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Southern Dachshunds

 AKC Mini Dachshunds

American Corgis

SD Updates

****Effective Jan 2 2025, I am re-entering the 'normal' workforce. All the dogs will still be given the same great care; I've got a good friend coming to help out with some of it during my working hours. However I will have to be a bit less flexible on puppy pick ups and visits.

I will still answer texts, emails during the day; pick ups will be scheduled on weekends and some evenings if a weekday pick up is needed.

Mocha(with Moose) had her pups on 01/16/25. Check them out on my Puppies page.

Quinn (with Linc)had their litter on 2/1/25. Check them out on my Puppies Page

Tiana (with Linc) had her litter on 02/27/25. Check them out on my Puppies Page

Koi (with Comet) had a litter on 03/03/2025. Check them out on my Puppies Page

Dorothy (with Comet) had her litter on 03/18/25. I will wait until I know coat types before reaching out to anyone on my lists.

I've also got pups from Brit's Doxie Crossing posted on my "puppies" page

Check out our VIP waitlist or sign up for the notification lists as they open on the "upcoming litters" page.

If you can't find what you are looking for with me, please check out what my good friend Brittaney is doing at:


We do business by appointment only!
It is easier to reach me by text!

Dog and Cat breeders are licensed by the
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
P.O. Box 12157
Austin, TX 78771
(800) 803-9202 or (512) 463-6599
Southern Dachshunds License #375


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